Monday, January 5, 2009

Back on the Bike

It has been 9 years since I have ridden a bike. When I was originally diagnosed with the arthritis the doctor back then advised me to give up riding, high impact gym work outs and look for a new job and just swim for exercises.

Over the last couple of years with moth sailing my exercise regime consisted of swimming, rowing machine, weights, bad food and plenty of beer.

I enjoy the bad food and beer, but training solely at the gym on a rowing machine or swimming laps bore the shit out of me and I burn out mentally after a few weeks through the boredom.

Over the Xmas break I pulled out my old bike and went for a small ride and it did not hurt, so I have brought the bike home.

Over the last couple of days I have ridden to the gym worked out in the weights room and ridden home, not too far around 8km round trip. I did not realise how unfit I have become, legs shaking and dry reaching after small hills (embarrassing) but every day gets easier and the rides become longer.

How does this affect my hip?

It's better than pain killers, swimming hurts, riding does not ?? my right hip is 4 inches smaller in diameter than the other and I was asked by the doctor to try and build the strength back up again before the re-surfacing sometime this year.

Most of the trouble I have on the moth is due to the fact that my bad leg is so weak and I can not support my body weight on it to be able to maneuver around the boat properly. I won't be able to do this well until the operation but I have gone from walking up stairs having to use the handrail to being able to walk and sometimes run up stairs un assisted in a matter of a week on the bike.

Hopefully this helps on the water, I'll keep you posted


Karl said...

Grant if it feels good, do it. Exercising keeps the bone density up and keeps the supporting muscles and tendons strong - not to mention the benefits for your heart, lungs and mood. Avoid things that make it hurt, and do things that feel good. A moderate amount of biking is probably good, but a lot will likely make your hip hurt, so find the balance. Everything in moderation - including moderation. Good sailing,

Grant said...

Cheers Karl,
It has been a week now and it feels great! I have not felt this fit in years.
sailing makes the hip sore, but I think this may be due to the affected leg being so weak. I'm hoping the increased strength will make sailing a little less stressful on it.
Thanks again for some great advice.