Friday, August 29, 2008

5- 23

Julian and I went for a sail yesterday in an 18-23 SW at St George.

Over the last couple of weeks we have gone out in 4-8nt's on a 14ft windrush. So yesterday Julian was keen no matter what the forecast was.

Only this time he was solo on his scow moth. Cutting a long story short, there was a fair time in the water, bruises and an early night. I have to say first time on a mono hull in 18 SW is a good effort and he loved the time on the water.

The new boat was great, getting used to the flap less rudder is interesting.
I will be going for a sail tomorrow and Luka will be down there as well and he is going to give me run down on the boat and take it out.

Rev. has been subject to spare parts to people at the club recently so I may have to spend some time getting her back up and running.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Prowler

Well I have to say, it comes down to John I's boats or Luka's set up makes a magical difference. What a pleasure to sail.

Going off how well Dave's boat sails set up is the factor. John however does make a nice boat.

There is no fault with this boat. No slop, play or imperfection and it shows in its performance.

A good mate and work colleague has joined the Moth class buying Mark Wolney's Scow "Mad Scow" which is another member to join the St G's Moth squadron. He has not even stepped onto the boat and he is talking about building his first boat. Moth spirit coming out already.

Still contemplating what to call the new boat. I have received the designs for its new look but names I always have trouble with.

I am looking forward to the new season we have a few new faces at St G.
By the sounds of it, there has been alot of off season work completed by our regulars. Bruce is re-spraying his boat with new foils on the way, Luka's New boat is due shortly, Mark is going to be foiling this season on his new Gilly. Phil is no doubt working on something new.